SAMA DANESH Return & Exchange Policy
At SAMA DANESH, your satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to ensure a seamless experience with your purchase.
Returns & Refunds
- To initiate a return, you must email within 7 days of receiving your order. Unfortunately, any requests made after this 7-day window will not be accepted. Please note that the return must be sent back within 14 days from the date of dispatch.
- Returns are only accepted for items in their original condition: unworn, unwashed, with all tags and hygiene stickers intact.
- A 12% return fee will be deducted from your refund to cover card processing fees, restocking, and handling. This fee helps cover the costs of reverse logistics—receiving, unpacking, and restocking the returned items, which can be a costly process for us. By doing so, we aim to maintain the level of quality and service you expect from SAMA DANESH.
Non-Returnable Items
- Please note that sale or discounted items are non-refundable and only qualify for an exchange. This ensures fair pricing and availability of exclusive offers to all clients.
- For any faulty or damaged items, please contact us on the day of delivery at, and we’ll address the issue promptly.
Return Process
- When returning items, you are responsible for shipping costs. We recommend using a trackable service and obtaining proof of postage, as SAMA DANESH is not liable for items that are lost in transit.
- Upon receiving your return, we will process your refund or exchange within 7 days, provided the items meet our return standards. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method, excluding shipping and return fees.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reply to your order confirmation email at
Thank you for choosing SAMA DANESH. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.